With just a few minor things left to bring Chapter 3 up to full alpha, I've started working on Chapter 4. Some of you stopped by last week to check out my mapping stream and will have seen the very first rooms being put together. If you missed that stream, you can catch it again here.
I ran into some issues towards the end with an incorrect colour correction setup - but that's all resolved now :D
You'll be seeing more of Chapter 4 very soon. I'm not going to be hiding much about this part of the mod so expect regular updates.
Chapter 4 is titled 'Venture Ghost'. We hop into the seat of an APC and travel to Arbeit #2, a second facility located a tad further North. If all goes to plan, this chapter should be likened to Highway 17 in Half-Life 2 - except this time we're the bad guy. And we're in the arctic. Somewhere.
Stay tuned!
Swing by ModDB this week if you can and vote for EZ1 or EZ2 for mod appreciation week! I'd be so grateful if I got some votes!