Discord is up (if you're interested in that kind of thing) and you can get an invite right now, right here! If you're headed to Discord to chat to me directly, please don't take it personally if I'm not around much. I tend to spend my time at my desk working on stuff!
I also launched a Trello page today. I've always been pushing a transparent development agenda and this is actually a pretty cool way for me to show you exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Check that out and keep an eye on it here!
Today I've done a TON of work on beefing up the combat further. You'll be seeing this in action soon once I'm happy with what I've got.
A lot of the impact effects are a bit more dramatic, sounds are being changed and also some of the NPC behavior is being tweaked.
Half-Life 2 NPCs have an unrealistic tendency to stop firing immediately after the player finds cover. In EZA the NPCs will know where you're hiding if they've seen you duck behind a crate, or dart around a corner - and they're going to keep shooting suppressing fire at you until you're flushed out - or your cover is destroyed.
It's been a lot of fun tweaking this and seeing it work and I can't wait to get my hands dirty and formulate some real firefights for EZA.
Still working on that Q&A video - hope to have it done soon.... hopefully... if I can step away from EZA.